MUUSAN Congregational Legislative Liaison Statewide Coordinator

Lane Sturtevant (they/them), Congregational Legislative Liaison Statewide Coordinator, is a Vermonter who came to Maine for college and never left. They have worked at nonprofit organizations in Lewiston and the Midcoast in youth programming and education roles. Currently, Lane is a Statewide Organizer for Democracy Maine, a collaboration of the League of Women Voters of Maine and Maine Citizens for Clean Elections. In addition to supporting MUUSAN as a Legislative Liaison, Lane is a member of the Democracy in Action Issue Group. Lane lives in South Thomaston and is connected with the First Universalist Church of Rockland, having helped with their 7th-9th grade OWL group in 2018 and with their RE youth group for the past few years. Lane recently became the South Thomaston member of the RSU 13 School Board. When not in Zoom meetings of various kinds, Lane enjoys hiking local trails with friends or reading a good book.