Democracy in Action
"It takes deep faith and a lot of hard work to keep a democracy vibrant."
-- Rev. Wm. G. Sinkford, Former UUA President
In the Fifth Principle of Unitarian Universalism, we covenant to affirm and promote “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.”
Our faith is grounded in democratic ideals. With the benefits of democracy comes the obligation to maintain a just and inclusive process. At MUUSAN’s inaugural meeting, in November 2012, our members approved an organizational emphasis on democracy — that government remain of, by, and for the people.
Areas of Focus:
-- Rev. Wm. G. Sinkford, Former UUA President
In the Fifth Principle of Unitarian Universalism, we covenant to affirm and promote “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.”
Our faith is grounded in democratic ideals. With the benefits of democracy comes the obligation to maintain a just and inclusive process. At MUUSAN’s inaugural meeting, in November 2012, our members approved an organizational emphasis on democracy — that government remain of, by, and for the people.
Areas of Focus:
- Campaign Finance Reform: MUUSAN supports a Constitutional Amendment to permit effective campaign funding laws and a publicly funded election process. MUUSAN is an endorsing partner with Maine Citizens for Clean Elections, a nonpartisan organization committed to strengthening Maine’s campaign finance laws, including especially public financing that allows moderate income persons to run for office.
- Voter education and turnout: MUUSAN empowers congregations and members to participate in public discourse. We provide educational resources on how to be active in the democratic process and enable and encourage congregations to interact with their local, state, and federal legislators.
- Ensuring fair election practices: MUUSAN monitors election laws and supports full restoration of the Voting Rights Act.
- Ranked Choice Voting
- Civil Discourse
Useful Resources and Links
UU Statements of Conscience or Action of Immediate Witness on Democracy:
- League of Women Voters of Maine
- Maine Citizens For Clean Elections
- Maine Ranked Choice Voting
- Maine Council of Churches
Also, watch a Maine Council of Churches interview with Maine State Senator Cathy Breen on the importance of faith groups getting involved and contacting legislators.
UU Statements of Conscience or Action of Immediate Witness on Democracy:
- GUIDE to the Congregational Study Action Issue 2016-2020: The Corruption of Our Democracy
- Amend the Constitution: Corporations are not Persons and Money is not Speech; 2013 Action of Immediate Witness
- Advocate Pending Legislation Toward Clean, Honest, and Fair Elections in the U.S.; 2009 Action of Immediate Witness
- Oppose Citizens United -- Support Free Speech for People; 2011 Action of Immediate Witness