MUUSAN UUtheVote Action 2020
The stakes couldn’t be higher in the 2020 elections. All our values, our work for justice, the communities we love and the beloved community we seek to create are under attack. Our religious community must speak with moral courage and act with prophetic clarity and determination in the 2020 electoral cycle. Our UU values of interdependence, democracy, and the inherent worth and dignity of all people are direct antidotes to the fear, bigotry, and inequity that define our world. In this political moment, UUs are called to join forces with all people who want to organize our communities and our nation to #VoteLove and #DefeatHate. Let’s UU the Vote in 2020!
UUtheVote Action 2020 is MUUSAN’s umbrella initiative to leverage and encourage Maine UU Congregations to gain electoral justice in Maine. We are partnering with UU the Vote National, the League of Women Voters of Maine, the Poor People’s Campaign, and our congregations' justice partners by contacting low-propensity voters in historically disenfranchised communities and helping turnout the vote in 2020.
Democracy itself is at stake on every election ballot in 2020. Given that Maine’s state legislature is now adjourned, all of MUUSAN’s Issue Groups are making electoral justice a priority for the remainder of 2020.
Democracy itself is at stake on every election ballot in 2020. Given that Maine’s state legislature is now adjourned, all of MUUSAN’s Issue Groups are making electoral justice a priority for the remainder of 2020.
UUtheVote Statewide Coordinator
MUUSAN has a Statewide Coordinator to establish and maintain communication with each congregation participating in UUtheVOTE electoral justice work through a network of Congregational Liaisons.
We are grateful for the skillful volunteer leadership of Sue Ellen Bordwell as MUUSAN’s UUtheVote Statewide Coordinator. Sue Ellen will assist the congregational liaisons in identifying and connecting with resources and/or partner organizations. Additional responsibilities include collecting and compiling information from Maine congregations, making regular reports to the MUUSAN Steering Committee and assisting congregations in identifying and connecting with resources and/or partner organizations. The coordinator is responsible for centralizing data on individual congregational activities.
We are grateful for the skillful volunteer leadership of Sue Ellen Bordwell as MUUSAN’s UUtheVote Statewide Coordinator. Sue Ellen will assist the congregational liaisons in identifying and connecting with resources and/or partner organizations. Additional responsibilities include collecting and compiling information from Maine congregations, making regular reports to the MUUSAN Steering Committee and assisting congregations in identifying and connecting with resources and/or partner organizations. The coordinator is responsible for centralizing data on individual congregational activities.
Become a Congregational Liaison
Each Maine UU church can recruit a congregational liaison to keep MUUSAN informed on activities, data and impact of the electoral justice work in their congregations. A Congregation Liaison’s primary responsibility is to communicate between their congregation’s UUtheVOTE work and MUUSAN. In addition to keeping MUUSAN informed on planned activities, the liaison is a key person responsible for reporting descriptions, data and impact of the electoral justice work in their congregation. The liaison will consult with the MUUSAN Statewide Coordinator as they need help in identifying key partners. The liaison is not expected to lead UUtheVOTE activities in the church.
MUUSAN UUtheVote Action 2020 Resources
Regardless of whether your congregation is just starting electoral work or is already far along in the process, it’s always the right moment to strengthen your team. Our toolkit can help.
The 2020 elections will be the most important in living memory. That's why the UUA is launching UU the Vote to support congregations and UU organizations in activating thousands of UUs to mobilize voters, counter voter suppression, and to engage in spiritually grounded, values-based issue conversations with voters in their communities.
The Fund for Unitarian Universalist Social Responsibility is pleased to announce that grants up to $500 are available for your 2020 Get Out The Vote projects.
The UUA is supporting UU congregations, organizations, and individuals in a major effort for democracy and support of electoral justice in the 2020 elections. We have analysis, partners, resources and funding for you!
Sign up for our email newsletter to stay in the loop, learn more about our campaign, and get our newest resources.
Around the country, Unitarian Universalists are organizing to #UUtheVote. Find events near you or host an event in your community! Be sure to download our Teambuilding Toolkit at
(Information borrowed, in part, from